Wednesday, September 01, 2004

RNC day 2

Day 2 here, for me at least, was incredibly uneventful. Started off with a visit to the Air America morning show "Unfiltered" again and their live broadcast from a local restaurant.

This was supposed to be the "official" day of Civil Disobedience. Well I didn't see it. I understand that a bunch of folks got arrested today, but I think the police are doing a good job keeping things controlled and contained in the area around Madison Square Garden.

That pen you see essentially closes off all of 7th Avenue. I saw lots of people walking the streets with signs, mostly anti-Republican or anti-Bush (hey, I just calls 'em like I sees 'em). Took a walk by one of the Delegate hotels, which is right across the street from my office. I'm waiting to see what happens tomorrow when the Broadway matinees run. There will likely be some protesters in the area, so maybe I'll get some good shots for y'all. Photos that is.

No incidents on the trains either. Maybe folks are waiting until Cheney speaks (tomorrow) or when Bush arrives (Thursday). No worries, though. I'm off on Thursday.

Very moving speech by Ahnold just ended. Here comes the First Lady....

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