Thursday, September 23, 2004

Sunny Day, Everythings A-OK, On My Way To Where The Air Is Sweet....

So Bush says things are impring in Iraq, huh? Well, by now we've all heard about the NIE that Bush received in July that indicated otherwise. But Bush and his cronies continue to pile on the bullshit. And the sad thing is people still believe what he's shoveling. How in the hell can people still believe that this man can adequately fulfill the role of Commander-In-Chief. He's a blooming idiot. When asked just yesterday about the NIE, he indicated that the CIA was just "guessing" about the situation in Iraq. Huh? So before the Iraq invasion the CIA information was a slamdunk and now it's questionable? Sure the CIA dropped the ball on pre-Iraq invasion intel. Which is why anything they put together now is very likely to be double and triple-checked before they release it.Here's some info from an article in the Sunday NY Times (9/19). Check out the whole article for more info:

Violence against American forces surged last month to its highest level since the war began last year, with an average of 87 attacks per day. --And this is how things are getting better???

Iraqi officials say it will be necessary to keep those offices open for at least six weeks while the registrations are gathered, requiring thousands of police officers and possibly troops to protect them. Those plans have not yet been completed, but American and British officials said the primary responsibility for providing ballot security will fall to the Iraqi police, whose record against the insurgents in southern and central Iraq has been spotty at best. [T]he Association of Muslim Scholars, the country's largest group of Sunni clerics, said last week that it had decided against taking part in the elections. "As long as we are under military occupation, honest elections are impossible," said Sheik Abdul Satar Abdul Jabbar, a member of the association, which represents about 3,000 Sunni mosques in the region.

Indeed, the violence in Iraq is giving rise to concerns that voting held under the present conditions, with a possible large-scale boycott by the Sunni Arabs, will render the results of such an election suspect in the eyes of many Iraqis. If that happens, some Iraqis say, the stage could be set for even more violence.

"If the Sunnis do not vote, then you could end up with a polarized Parliament that could lead to civil war." --But the CIA was just "guessing" in their NIE??!!

Many of those soldiers do not have adequate equipment, and they have little or no combat experience. American commanders are concerned that the experience of April not be repeated, when the Iraqi security forces largely disintegrated in the face of Shiite and Sunni uprisings.
–And these are the people that are supposed to ensure the safety of the millions of folks that are supposed to vote in January???

Great! Aren't you glad that we're winning the so-called war on terror? Now we're screwing things up for people in Iraq. I caught NOW with Bill Moyers on Friday and one of his guests was a soldier recently returned from Iraq. This soldier's mother had to buy him body armor off of the internet because the body armor he was initially issued wasn't adequate to stop a round from an AK-47 assault rifle, apparently the preferred weapon of the insurgents in Iraq. Meanwhile we're dumping billions of dollars on Halliburton, much of which is unaccounted for. Anyway, this soldier indicated that he had befriended a translator that worked with him in Iraq and the translator indicated that he actually felt safer in the streets with Saddam in power. Odd, isn't it? Not that I'm saying that Iraq would be better off with Saddam at the helm, but we don't seem to be doing much good over there at the moment. We shouldn't have bone in there without adequate troops in place to keep the peace. God help the Iraqis and our troops over there.

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