Saturday, September 11, 2004

The Afghanistan "elections"

I never even gave a second thought to the fact that the Bushies claim 10 million people are registered to vote in Afghanistan. According to the CIA's own website (, the total population is about 28.5 million people, of which approximately 13 million are 14 or under. Approximately 15 million are between 15-64, but how many million are "eligible" to vote, which I'm assuming means they're 18 or over, since that's the voting age in the USA. Assuming another, say, 2 million of this 15-64 group are below the age of 18, are they expecting us to believe that they registered 10 million of the approximately 13 million eligible voters?? I find that hard to believe. So they found all these people and had them register to vote, but they can't find bin Laden??? And they can purge legitimate voters from the rolls in Florida?? Talk about f'ed up priorities!

On the issue of Florida, check out this site: . While I can't verify the information, if it's true, it's very disturbing.

1 comment:

Joel said...

For purposes of clarification, I never said that Bush himself made the claim of 10 million registered voters. I said it was the "Bushies," by which I mean members of his administration, those he uses to make claims and attacks on his behalf, but which he himself won't make, so that he can claim he never said this or that.

And I also admit I didn't fully research the issue of who was eligible to vote in Afghanistan. As "nospin" indicates, there are even less eligible voters than I surmised, which stengthens my argument that the Bushies should stop claiming what a success Afghanistan is, as they have been doing, when it's clearly been the first of 2 failed missions in the Middle East...Iraq being the 2nd (though the bigger of the 2).