Sunday, January 15, 2006

Intelligence Committee Senators Discuss Pakistan Airstrike - New York Times

Intelligence Committee Senators Discuss Pakistan Airstrike - New York Times: "Of the civilian casualties, he said, 'It's a regrettable situation, but what else are we supposed to do?'"

OK, so this is DEMOCRAT, Evan Bayh, making the statement. What the hell? Does someone want to explain to me the difference between an "insurgent" killing innocent Iraqis and an American air strike that kills innocent Pakistanis? We're supposed to be angered by the insurgent strikes but when our guys kill innocent people, that's OK? Me thinks not, Senator.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Basis for Spying in U.S. Is Doubted - New York Times

On the topic of NSA spying, a non-partisan Congressional research group has confirmed what all logical, reasonable people already knew - the Bush Administration's nonsensical reasoning for not seeking warrants for its wiretaps.

Basis for Spying in U.S. Is Doubted - New York Times