Monday, August 16, 2004

And away we go....

So I'm new to the blog world. Haven't even read too many of them either, but don't hold that against me. What I'm not at a loss for is an opinion. My political leanings are to the left, but not so far left that I would consider voting for Ralph Nader. And, in my opinion (see, here I go), neither should you. But what I do respect is your right to vote for Mr. Nader. Just know what it is you might end up with if you do.

What informs my opinions? Well, here's what I read: Vanity Fair, Wired, Business Week, and Time. I also read Entertainment Weekly from time to time. And I've been known to peruse RealSimple...when I'm not reading comic books. I also check out the web quite a bit - New York Daily News , Excite and other random sites that I might run across. Oh, and let's not forget the radio. I'm an avid Air America Radio listener.

I don't have anything of much value to add tonight (Sunday, 8/15), but I hope to have something up shortly. I'm trying to catch up on some of my magazine reading. I recently finished reading Al Franken's book, Lies, and the Lying Liers Who Tell Them, and Richard Clarke's book, Against All Enemies. Definitely worth reading. Al's book is a pretty quick read, which both made me laugh and made me angry. Richard Clarke's book was a slower, dryer read, but well worth the effort. At some point I'll probably pick up the 9/11 report, after I catch up on my magazine reading.

Off to get some sleep....

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