Monday, October 11, 2004

Things you can do...

Here's some things you can do before the election in November:

Write a letter to the Sinclair Broadcasting Group voicing your concern over their decision to force their stations to broadcast an anti-Kerry film before the election. These guys donate a nice amount of money guessed it, the Bush campaign. Get the contact info for Sinclair from Media Matters for America


Volunteer on Election day. Either here or by calling your local Board of Elections.

AND check out what Bruce Springsteen has to say here. It's brief but worth checking out.


Joel said...
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Joel said...

Wow, so much for there being "no sping" Nospin, but you are so completely off base it's no wonder you favor Dubya. Here's why what Sinclair is doing is problematic. Because they are abusing their license of the PUBLIC AIRWAVES. Plus, the group involved with the so-called "documentary" has been wholly discredited already, so it's nothing but a propoganda piece for the right wing.

I seem to recall the ole GOP complaining about CBS airing that Reagan special a while back? That OK with you? Problem with the First Amendment? I didn't think so.

As for the Dan Rather thing? That's just a plain old screw up by a LEGITIMATE news organization. A 20 minute piece on an established news program not forced upon the network by station ownership. There was no need for an uproar because the reporting was quickly discredited (even though the facts of the disputed documents were not challenged...hmmmm, I wonder why?).

As for why Kerry wouldn't appear on the panel after the broadcast of the documentary, I can't say, but I imagine he wouldn't want to legitimize a bunch of worthless propoganda, ya think? Or maybe he pulled one out of the old George W Bush playbook by avoiding being questioned by people who may ask challenging questions? When is Bush going to appear on The Daily Show? Or at an actual press conference where he isn't pelted with softball questions? Give me a break! You say that Reagan would have appeared in his own defense. Funny that you didn't say that Bush would have done so?

Try again.

Why is it OK for Michael Moore to create his documentary and show it in movie theaters? Because it's not the public's airwaves being used. Why can he air it on pay-per-view? Same reason. Why can Sundance air anti-Bush stuff? Um, I hope you get the point by now.

Sinclair has a license granted by the government of airwaves that belong to the American people. Abusing that license by calling something "newsworthy" when it's clearly a partisan effort is just wrong. They want to air it on a cable channel that's NOT regulated by the FCC, go ahead. Want to show it in the movies? Be my guest.

And don't insult the collective intelligence of the world by mentioning George Soros' donations to legitimate 527 organizations. Need I mention Swift Boat Veterans For Truth? Who funded that?