Wednesday, October 20, 2004

More stuff you should read.

OK, so my postings haven't been very consistent recently. Sorry, but it's MLB playoff time and the tension is just killing me. But, since the Yanks are about to blow it against the Red Sox, I figured I needed a distraction. And you needed some things to read, if you haven't read them already. Here goes.

You know it's bad when a conservative newspaper, one that has NEVER endorsed a Democratic candidate and has only once before not endorsed any candidate, doesn't endorse the current Republican president. Check out this from the Tampa Tribune.

If you haven't seen this article from the Sunday, October 17th New York Times Magazine, it's a must-read. had a companion article, written by Eric Boehlert, but you need to pay to read that article. It's worth reading. Here's how it opens:

--During the closing weeks of the 2000 presidential campaign, at a campaign rally, George W. Bush spotted a veteran political reporter and turned to Dick Cheney, standing next to him on the platform, to remark, "There's Adam Clymer, major league asshole from the New York Times." "Oh yeah, big time," replied Cheney.
If you've got some vacation days to waste, use one on November 2nd (that's election day) and go help out in a swing state. I have taken the day off. Not sure if I'll trek to Pennsylvania yet to offer my legal services, or if I'll just work the polls as an official poll worker here in NY. Most of the 527 organizations, like and are looking for both legal and non-legal volunteers, so consider it. If you want to work the polls, call your local department of elections and find out more.
And don't forget to vote!

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